Colonoscopy FAQ
Nearly one in every 20 adult Americans will develop colon cancer in his or her lifetime. Research has confirmed that the single best prevention for colon cancer is the early detection and removal of all colon polyps. And the best method for detection and removal is a colonoscopy.
Colonoscopy is a valuable tool for the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases of the large intestine. As a result of the progress made in the field of fiber optics, colonoscopies are now considered a safe, relatively simple and highly effective diagnostic technique. Increased awareness of the value of early diagnosis has made the procedure part of many people’s comprehensive physical examination.
Through the use of colonoscopy, a physician can detect and remove polyps without abdominal surgery, and perform biopsies, which may reveal early signs of cancer. In addition, periodic colonoscopy is critical in monitoring patients who have had polyps, colitis or colon cancer, or who have a family history of colon cancer
The colon, which is shaped like a very large question mark with many twists and turns, begins in the right lower abdomen and ends in the rectum. A colonoscopy is a safe, effective method of visually examining the colon using a very narrow lighted, flexible fiber optic tube called a colonoscope. At the end of the tube is a miniature camera with a wide-angle lens that helps your doctor examines the lining of your digestive tract on a video monitor. More accurate than a barium enema X-ray and much simpler than exploratory abdominal surgery, colonoscopy is safe and generally well-tolerated by patients.
Your physician may recommend a colonoscopy if you have changes in bowel habits, blood in your stool, an unusual abdominal pain, a history of colon polyps or a history of colon cancer in your family, or if you suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative Colitis) or Crohn’s disease. Colonoscopies also can verify findings of polyps or tumors located with a barium enema exam, as well as evaluate colon inflammation, ulcerations and diverticulitis.
Always tell your doctor if you are taking any medications – particularly those that may affect blood clotting — or if you have any special medical conditions, including diabetes, pregnancy, lung or heart conditions. Also let your doctor know if you are allergic to any medications or eggs. Your physician can answer all your questions.
Yes. Your colon must be completely clean for the colonoscopy to be thorough and safe. There are a variety of preparations your doctor can choose from to flush the colon. In addition, you will be asked to drink only clear liquids for one or two days before the procedure and you will be given advice on taking regular medications during that time. A list of detailed instructions will be provided by your physician.
On the day of the procedure you will be given medication so you will not be awake for the procedure. During the procedure, you will lie on your left side on an examining table and the physician will insert the colonoscope into the rectum and gently move it through your colon. There are several tiny instruments in the scope that help the physician during the procedure: one to blow air into your colon, which inflates it to help the physician see, better; one to remove polyps or take biopsies; and one to stop any bleeding. After the procedure, you may experience a little discomfort, like the feeling of having gas, but that soon subsides. The entire procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes and most people can resume their regular diet later that day.
Your physician will explain the findings to you. If a biopsy was performed or a polyp removed, you should get the results in about a week. Your physician may give you other special instructions as well. Even though you should feel fine, you must have someone else drive you home after the procedure because of the sedatives. You should not drive, operate heavy machinery or make important decisions for up to six hours after your procedure.
If you’ve had prolonged effects from the sedative, you may need to make a follow-up appointment. If you have excessive or prolonged rectal bleeding or severe abdominal pain, fever or chills, call your doctor right away.
Serious complications from this procedure are very rare. Of course, as with any medical procedure, they can occur. Complications might include excessive bleeding, especially if a large polyp was removed, or, in rare cases, a tear in the lining of the colon, which might require hospitalization or surgery. Again, these complications are rare.
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Our Locations
Bay Area Endoscopy and Surgery Center
5771 49th St North
St. Petersburg, FL 33709
Tel: (727) 528-2261
Florida Digestive Specialists
5651 49th Street
St. Petersburg, FL 33709
Tel: (727) 443-4299 Fax: (727) 443-0255
Our Hospitals
Northside Hospital
6000 49th Street North
St. Petersburg, FL 33709
Tel: (727) 521-5158
St. Petersburg General Hospital
6500 38th Ave North
St Petersburg, FL 33710
Tel: (727) 461-8057